Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Juice Fast - Day 8

Joe Cross Facebook conversation... we're buddies now! lol

I started day 8 with enthusiasm because only one week ago I had no idea if I would be able to sustain my fast this long.  After making a pineapple orange juice for breakfast I noticed that Joe Cross had written me on Facebook!   Joe Cross is the reason why I decided to try a ten day fast.  He is the star and creator of the movie FatSickandNearlyDead.  Awesome documentary and if you haven't watched it go rent it today and watch it with your whole family.  He is also the creator of www.jointhereboot.com.  A website designed to help you incorporate juicing into your lifestyle.  Needless to say, I thought this was the coolest thing!  Here I am chit chatting with the man himself!  lol  Mirella, my wife,  still can't believe I told him what I did but that's another story :)

I have also received lots of good information from my friend Andi Dornelas of AndiDornelas.blogspot.com.  She is becoming a health guru herself and was my motivation to start running back in 2009 creating running schedules and getting me to sign up for races.  I have run 5 races so far and have 3 medals!  Not so many but I'm proud of my achievements.  I have the Gate River Run coming up March 10!  She sent me a recipe that I didn't like too much... that is until I put a pinch of salt in it!  It all of a sudden became an awesome drink!  One orange, one tangerine, one apple, and one cucumber.  This drink made me feel refreshed and ready to go!  Thanks Andrea! 

I teach private music lessons on Monday nights so I had to plan ahead for a long night of just juice.  In honor of Joe Cross writing me I decided to make the classic Mean Green Juice.  At first it tasted ok but in order to finish it I needed to add some salt to it.  I might have to tweak it a bit to suit my taste.  Not a big fan of celery except in stews so next time I'll add an apple and take away two celery stalks :)

Mean Green Juice

Going to Walmart is not on my fun list. In fact, I pretty much stress out in there!  Unfortunately I ran out of tea and it was the most convenient place to buy it on my way home. I picked up a pack of peach herbal tea.  I was never a tea drinker but now I'm a big believer in it!  It is calming and tasty with a spoon of natural honey.

Mean Green Juice

I am feeling great in spite of a headache here and there.  We figured that some sort of nutrient deficiency was causing the pain.  Salt on the drinks definitely helped soothe the pain.

Thank you for keeping up with my juice fast! 


  1. You are almost there! Did you notice a common thread when you don't like drinks??? Adding a pinch of salt helps lol. It's good you found the nitch to make the drinks tastier. I'm more of a sweets person, so adding an apple helps me lol. You are doing great and I'm glad to be a help. You have inspired me to start juicing again...and know you have inspired many people to become healthier.

    1. I know... when you think about doing something like this you don't even imagine how many people it can influence. I've met people I didn't know before who have been reading about my experience! It's crazy!

    2. That's why I've learned that doing & living are so much for influential than just speaking/preaching about it. People are inspired by what you do, but not always be what you say. Not only are you helping yourself, but everyone around you. Two thumbs up.

  2. I like this mean green juice! =)
